Where there’s emulation, Sinclair’s classic home computer is never far behind.

Excellent compatibility makes using this particular emulator an absolute pleasure, especially for the classic Metal Slug and King of Fighters games. With near fullspeed emulation and superb sound, Chui managed to cram one of the most sought after and expensive systems of the early ’90s into the Dreamcast.

Master Dreamcast coder Chui pulled of something of a software miracle with his Neo Geo CD emulator NEO4ALL. While some games will run slow, compatibility is surprisingly high, and Super Mario World, for example, runs well. The graphical interactive menus and soundtrack for the game selection screens also add a professional feel. Based on the Snes9X code, DreamSNES features Dreamcast VMU and VGA cable support on top of four controllers, mouse and lightgun controls. The most comprehensive and compatible SNES emulator available for the Dreamcast is DreamSNES. One of the most recent Dreamcast emulator releases, if you’re a Sega Genesis fan, GENS4ALL is certainly worth trying out. The emulator is able to save games to the VMU, sports VGA output support and even the original Game Genie and Action Replay cheat codes for Genesis games. While it is still officially at the Beta stage, GENS4ALL is already a worthy contender for best Genesis emulator on the Dreamcast. NesterDC remains the leading Dreamcast NES emulator. Up to ten Save states are possible, and the interactive selection screens can feature NES box art as well as some classic chiptunes in the background. NesterDC is a fully featured Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for the Dreamcast, with superb compatibility. With so many emulators available on the Internet, it can be hard to discern the good Dreamcast emulators from the more buggy examples, so in this article, we’ll guide you to the cream of the crop with 7 emulators that run on Sega Dreamcast. However, the ability to run custom code on the Dreamcast hardware also meant that the machine was taken to the hearts of the homebrew community, who provided it with a stream of original games and console emulators. When hackers cracked the Sega Dreamcast’s security and booting code in 2000, it was a hammerblow to the already ailing home console, despite a huge library of great Dreamcast games.