Iceman is a real showboater, the pilot of Ship C. She wears a hat with the letters “ATOLANP”, an anagram of Toaplan. She’s the Skull Hornet’s top mechanic and a darn good pilot, too. Could her brother actually be Jeeno? Alteeno is Beltiana’s co-pilot. Her brother was believed to be killed in battle by aliens, and her mission is to avenge his death.

Things were always better back in his day. He dresses like a cowboy and complains like most old timers do. He was the main character on Flying Shark and was cryogenically frozen until he was needed. He wears a shirt that reads “A New Hope”, perhaps a Star Wars reference? He has a tragic past, with hints that he is the presumed dead brother of Beltiana, killed in battle. He is an attractive teenager who has cybernetic enhancements that make him better at flying. The characters in Batsugun include Jeeno, the player one, ship A character.

You collect experience points by killing your enemies. There are five stages, each stage getting progressively more difficult.

The Skull Hornets must destroy the enemy and rack up experience points. The other drops bombs that spread huge energy clouds around the player’s ship. One button controls the main gun or fire button. Players control the ships with a joystick and three buttons. Players have six characters to choose from with really three variations, two types of each to accommodate two players playing simultaneously. An elite mercenary group is called in, named The Skull Hornets, to save the planet and destroy the enemies, The Skull Hornets have special ships that can fly underwater and into the stratosphere.

In the Sega Saturn Batsugun version, an alien force is attacking earth. It was one of Toaplan’s last arcade games to be released, and its last shoot-em up game. This was much to the delight of manic shooter gamers. First developed for arcade play by now defunct Toaplan, a slightly different version was released in 1996 for the Sega Saturn (after Toaplan went bankrupt) under the Toaplan offshoot Gazelle. Batsugun is a classic vertically scrolling, manic shooter game.